Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Alaska, the last frontier, state 39. Done. Fun fact: In 1867 Sec. Of State William Seward–who was also nearly killed the same April 14, 1865 night as Lincoln in a Confederate terrorist plot–purchased Alaska, which is almost 3 times larger than Texas, for 2 cents per acre.
I looked so much cleaner at the start.
My running partner for part of the day, Jennifer, a local who told me to go for a climb on Flattop and get some pizza and beer at Moose’s Tooth
Thumbs up for running water. Does anyone suddenly have to pee?
What’s that in the distance? Oh just a mountain.
Started the race with fellow MM alum Tim.
Crazy eyes says hello
Nicest fire department ever. Granddad would have been excited
Did I mention I’m a sucker for running water?
Boo for this trail. I hurt myself a little. Rocks the size of golf balls are not meant for running upon.
The trail says “we’re going to be eaten by a bear”
No shirt until you finish. Old school. I love it.
I’m a sucker for running water.
Motherf–ckin’ MOOSE, bitches!
I believe this is what they call the “establishing shot” in the film industry
But first, let me take a selfie
Begin with the end in mind.
The slightly more technical climb at the end.
Visibility: Not so great.
Halfway up, and when you’re only halfway up, you’re neither up nor down
You may actually be able to see Sarah Palin’s house from here.
Local flora
Here we can see why I did not take a flight to Denali. At least I have a reason to come back.
Pizza and beer at Moose’s Tooth. Dinner of champions
This trip is going to give me whiplash. 21 hours in Alaska. *waves bye-bye*