Lifetime marathon or longer number 97, the 33rd of the year, at the Chicago Marathon. 3:58:42 a sub4 I didn’t need or intentionally try for. It’s been almost 3 months since I finished a marathon in under 4 hours and this is a huge psychological boost I really needed. Fun fact: In the first running of the Chicago Marathon, then called the Mayor Daley Marathon, 3 people were taken to the hospital for powder burns when the start canon misfired. They seem to have worked the kinks out since the inaugural running in 1977.
Finisher medal picture that MarathonFoto would like to charge me 80 bucks for, that Chavet Breslin took for free.
Remembered to take a pic with Chavet Breslin. Woohoo!
Ran into Super Sabrina Seher on the course today.
Chicago Korean Town, they were playing Gagnam Style. This guy is a Seoul man!
“…and some, I assume, are good people.” Mexican Consulate handing out waters to the marathoners.
I think I knew many Christians who went to the Moody Church…
Little Italy, Chicago (Taylor street). It’s gotten littler and littler over the years…
I have no idea what this look on my face is about, but I ran into Jesse Perez who I met on the BART after he did the San Francisco Ultra. Super nice guy, and a fantastic athlete.
They rolled out the red carpet for mile 20. Thanks for the advice to run on the carpet, Kinnier Lastimosa.
In the conservatory, with the candlestick!
A fellow Frontrunner
I saw Baylee Crone in the last mile with that unmistakable “I can’t talk. Having an awesome day.” So I said “GO! GO! GO!” and she PR’d.
Why yes, that’s a banana in my beer, and I’m also happy to see you. Also my hair is nuckin’ futs.
Boystown. That’s as close as I need to get to the drag queens.