Marathon #15 of 2017, Lifetime 132, the Sandhills Marathon in (or rather 40 miles outside of) Valentine, Nebraska. A very low key race, that was well organized, great shirt (not usually a draw for me), interesting finisher award, with roving mobile port-o-johns. The only issues are the lack of information on the website and the start/finish is hard to find. Relatively flat race, and the overcast sky kept the heat down. Big thanks to Tim and Lisa who enabled my stupid itinerary by grabbing my bib and sending me the map to the start. Spent the early part of the race with a gaggle of maniacs including fellow Floridian Nancy, and after a few miles met a new friend, Bill from Eastern Nebraska, we spent the rest of the race together and next thing you know we were at the finish. Fun fact: The Valentine Post Office stamps approximately 10,000 Valentine’s Day cards a year with their special “America’s Heart City” cancellations.