Happy 50th marathon to Hollie Ashby at the Mesa-PHX marathon. Great seeing you, JM Gabriel, and Andy Bowden. Today was not my day. Between injury, the worst cold of my life, and no real sleep this should have been a Did Not Start but I’m a stubborn idiot who needed 16 miles to figure that out. This was supposed to be a “roll your little red wagon down the hill” marathon, an easy PR maker. I’m supposed to be able to run through pain. This was supposed to be an easy year to train for harder stuff. A lot of stuff is supposed to be the case. Well, it ain’t necessarily so. I’m sure I’ll torture myself about this later. For now to hole up in a hotel bed until my flight at 1am. Fun fact: Maricopa County, at 9,200 square miles, is approximately the same size as the state of Vermont.