Year to date big long thing #25 completed at the Mississippi gulf coast marathon in Biloxi, Mississippi. Chilly and overcast, on a super flat course along the beach. The only hill was an overpass with a wicked camber in the last 2 miles. Last year this race was too short because of a turnaround. Having done the race now I am amazed because there was only one real turn on the course. I will also say other than some nice real estate, this is an extraordinarily boring race. I find myself counting the number of waffle houses we passed, six by mile marker 21. There were plenty of volunteers, and they were very enthusiastic. It’s not a bad race, but it’s not really a good one either. Fun fact: The Isle of Caprice was a resort 10 miles off the coast just south of Biloxi, created to get around prohibition. It burned to the ground in 1931, and the island is now under about 4 feet of water due to erosion and the shifting sands of the Gulf.

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