49, It has special significance to me. My dad died at 49. If that had never happened I probably would never have started this strange journey. I’ve been very aggressive pursuing this, because you never know what day will be your last. Life is too short to not live your life fully and challenge yourself. Even a bad experience is worth having, if only for the story. I have so many people to thank, but in particular Amy and Brina for the audacious idea that started it all. My run clubs, Marathon Maniacs, 50 States Marathon Club, Half Fanatics, and Frontrunners for countless miles with interesting people. Thank you to my patient mother and stepfather, my only slightly less patient office. Now on to state #50 for the 50th year Brent never saw.
State #50, Nevada, the Silver State, completed at Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon in Las Vegas. Windy and cold with light rain early on in 3:55. Fun fact: At 3,933 rooms, the Bellagio hotel could accommodate every resident of Bellagio, Italy with their own room and still have rooms available.
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