Marathon #74, #8 Year to date, in Olathe, Kansas. I missed my sub-4 attempt by 24 seconds. 4:00:23.92 is a perfectly respectable time, but it is a failure to achieve the goal I set for myself. The important thing about goals is that they should be achievable, and challenge you. Did I give my best? Yes, but being that close makes you think I could shave 1 second off… Maybe if I’d gotten some sleep, maybe if my hotel had so much as a packet of oatmeal, maybe if I’d gotten in the portapottie line instead of chitchatting, maybe, maybe, maybe… End result: I need to work harder. Fun fact: Kansas earned the nickname “bleeding Kansas” from New York newspaperman Horace Greeley, after violence between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers in the pre-Civil War era resulted in numerous deaths, including an incident in which John Brown (noted radical abolitionist who would later plan the famous raid on Harpers Ferry) and his followers brutally hacked five men to death with broadswords. So next time you complain about how indecent our politics is getting, think about this.