Carthage Marathon 2017 Posted on February 26, 2017July 23, 2019 Marathon #121. Country #6 (Tunisia), Continent #5 (Africa) On the way into packet pickup line Packet pickup Carthage amphitheater Brent Weigner, on deck for marathon country 123. Heck I don’t even have 123 marathons. Mosquée El Abidine in Carthage Zander with Brent on his heels Richard Ervais and I ran most of the race together. It made the miles pass quickly. Another fountain Sidi-bou said Some of Carthage ruins and the El Abidine Mosque in the distance Ancient aqueduct Dan Micola a Czech Marathon Globetrotter living in the U.K. Headed up another hill. Brent is rockets down the hill. Poppy-like tree flower Not sure. A local tells me “this is labib it is a symbol of our cleaning for the child” Tunisian Presidential Palace Nice fountain on the course. Downhill into the city Mural in Carthage amphitheater Fountain in the park The shirt. Not sure why there’s a seam down the back, but okay. The medal Without Old Glory I thought I had a chance to blend in. 😂