Marathon or longer number 145, the Baltimore Running Festival Marathon in Baltimore, Maryland. A hilly big city marathon through Washington’s Brooklyn, or as they’d prefer “the Charm City.” I can tell you the man extending his middle finger to every single runner holding up his commute left a little to be desired in the charm department. A late start (8 for the marathon, 9:45 for the half) led to more traffic issues and some toasty temps. Also a heavy police presence made it feel almost martial at times (mind you, I’ve done a marathon in Jerusalem and I thought security was lax there by comparison). Yeah, there’s a crab medal I didn’t bother to take a picture of. If such things are your thing. I probably would not repeat this race. It was meh. Fun fact: Maryland has its own state anthem, “Maryland, My Maryland”. It was written by a confederate sympathizer. It calls Lincoln a “tyrant” and the Union “Northern scum”. It was adopted in 1939. Can we all agree to take a knee on that bullsh-t?
Mike Forest and I decided we’d meet up at about 21.
One of those times I actually get to see a friend in their home state.
Amy May prerace
Cute outfit, probably gets a bit hot
Cade Remsburg is ready to roll.
Historic rowhouses lining Charles St.
Who knew I was going to see penguins twice in one week?
That Fredrick Douglas fellow. He’s a real up and comer.
Latrobe pavilion in Druid Hills Park
Hipster musicians and bouncing boys. Waverly is my kind of place.
The USCGC Taney named for the Supreme Court Chief Justice whose principle historical achievement is the Dred Scott case enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act. Yeah. Race relations are moving right along here in Baltimore.
Utz is a sponsor, so chips and stuff. But in a bag mid-race was a new one for me.
Conservatory in Druid Hills Park
100 kinds of bourbon you say? Go on…
So at the finish we got half an orange. I’m befuddled. A whole orange, sure peel that. A quarter? Easy to eat. What am I going to do with a half an orange? Try to find a juicer?