Rob Huesgen’s big 50th State Day at the Cape Cod Marathon in Falmouth, Massachusetts. A moderately hilly but scenic course around the Cape. Cool weather, some winds and the rain even held off. All in all a great day. Fun fact: Cape Cod has 14 lighthouses, making Barnstable County the county in America with the most lighthouses.
The start
Yeah, so there are hills here. The back half is a seemingly endless series or rollers. Nothing impossible.
How do people live here? I mean really?
The locals are appealing.
Rob doing a Kennedy impression. I think he needs glasses, and to watch more MTV.
Maniac and 50 stater team from San Jose.
Just awful, really
Quaker meeting house. So simple. ❤️
Local kids painted these rocks of encouragement. So nice. It really worked when I threw one at the guy in front of me.
Okay, but at least my beach is warm.
Cranberry bogs.
I dig the Spider-Man look of the shirt.
Again, disgusting really
Blighted beaches.
The first hill at mile 3. Not bad.
The medal stands up, if that’s something you need in your life.
Best pup of the race.
My sexy rental. It’s no Smart, but Rob thought I needed a pink car.