The San Francisco “Ultra” completed in San Francisco consisting of the Nohtaram Ocsicnarf Nas (the San Francisco marathon in reverse) followed by the regular old marathon for a total of 52.4 miles. About the air quotes, this isn’t so much an ultra as two distinct marathons with common start times for each race. So that would make this big long things number 165 and 166. Lots of up and down hills, though not as much as you might think. The public support improved over 2016, but the first night loop seemed a little slapdash to me. As much as folks managing it seemed to care, a lot of details could be improved. Fun fact: San Francisco barely felt the Great Depression. Not a single San Francisco based bank failed during the depression, and major projects like the Bay and Golden Gate Bridges were completed.
Marin coastal views from Golden Gate National Recreational Area
Ran with San Francisco Front Runners and met some great dogs! Also people.
Fueling for the first loop. Claire takes a swig and I have Pringles. Claire was my company for the whole first loop. The doctors say she’ll be fully recovered in a few days but the psychological damage may last years.
Blurry pic of the ferry building
View of Horseshoe Cove in Marin
Started the second loop with a Barb, who’s about to finish her 100th marathon in October and an all around great person who sacrificed a better time to help an injured competitor by doing doctor stuff.
Shot of the Golden Gate on loop one from Fort Point about 3:30am.
Practicing my pensive look at the Great Highway turnaround.
Blurry pick of Scott on the run in the early miles of loop 2
Spotted Terry on the bridge and spent a few miles with him questioning why I did this. 😂
Smiley was doing her 150th marathon and Vincent Ma I am told was celebrating his 1,000th marathon. Amazing people.
Second shot of the bridge on the daytime loop.
We went on a hike to Point Reyes Lighthouse but it was sadly not open. Not a part of the race