Alicja’s 50th State. She was hit by a car in California, threatened with a missile strike in Hawaii, and nearly drown in Vermont. So glad I could be here for it at the Rehoboth Seashore Marathon in Delaware. The course is a flat but interesting mix of road, dirt, some boardwalk in the park and even a little bit of sand on then asphalt. Cool weather made for a pretty good conditions for me and the afterparty was just as good as advertised. Fun fact: The Delaware Bay is 172 miles from the Cape May, NJ ferry terminal to the Lewes, DE. Ask me how I know. G’ahead, g’head, ask me.
T-Rex spectates
Alicja Finishing
A town should not be allowed to be this cute.
Some of the bike path trail
Some of the afterparty. You’ve got to love a party where the last marathon finisher is welcomed like royalty.
Our conquering victor.
Long sleeve shirt nice
I got to spend a few miles with Karen Murray, who it seems is a supinator.
The finisher medal.
Some of the State Park
Terry staying warm at the start of Rehoboth
Dirt road through the park
Ah, the lesser known Team Surfgimp branch of the armed service. 🤔
The bibs
Another race, another Vincent Ma sighting.
It’s always a good day when you see Ed Childress on the course