I was supposed to do a 50K today at the inaugural Sweat, Swat, and Swear 50k. I was supposed to pack sunscreen and not throat spray. I think I was supposed to turn right and then left. Anyway, sometimes things don’t go according to plan. Instead I ran a nice, pleasant 10K trail, then a…
Tag: florida

8 Hours of Hell-July 2018
I love that ultras could be confused with a family barbecue sometimes. Marathon or longer number 164 was the July installment of the 8 Hours of Hell series in Oscar Scherer Park just outside Sarasota. The course is a 3.25 mile loop consisting of 1 mile of beautiful Florida trail run followed by a mile…

Athena War Trail 6-Hour
Today was supposed to be big long thing number 163, a 6 hour race near Tampa. Unfortunately not enough participants for it to “count,” coupled with the fact I’ve been in a major funk lately (lots of aborted runs for me lately and people avoidance. The good news is that my therapist doesn’t think it’s…

Keys 100 2018
Confucius say, “If at first you don’t succeed, congratulations, you found something hard.” Big Long Thing #161, the Keys 100, a 100 miler from Key Largo to Key West. Flat, unusually cool this year (70s as opposed to 90s), with off and on rain. I failed in my first 100 attempt at Rocky Raccoon. I…

8 Hours of Hell – May 2018
Big long thing #160 and Keys 100 dress rehearsal/taper madness relief 50k today at the 8 Hours of Hell Trail Race in Alva, Florida. Up and down BMX trails in the midday heat (although luckily coolish today) amidst old Florida charm of rooty live oaks and one for real snake (harmless corn snake). It was…

Fort Lauderdale A1a Marathon 2018
Marathon #156, took a while to get to this one after Houston and I wish I could say the wait was worth it. My worst hometown throw down to my knowledge, sub 5, barely, on a warm always flat, flat, flat, flat course. Anyway, great to see friends, acquaintances, that creepy chick from Australia, and…

Savage 7 Marathons-Newtonmas 2017
In 2009 avid marathoner, Chuck Savage, created a series of 7 races, one a day, beginning the day after Christmas until New Year called the “Savage Seven” The original series was on a track in Ocala, Florida. A few years hence it was moved to this park also in Ocala. The race consists of a…

Mount Dora Half Marathon 2017
My first and only half marathon of the year at the Mount Dora Half in Mount Dora, Florida. A chilly (for Florida) hilly (for Florida) race through the cutesy downtown of Mount Dora and the lake home neighborhoods. The race is Christmas themed, and the town, which seems to derive a not insignificant amount of…